Chrisantus Eze

I'm a Computer Science PhD student at the Robotic Cognition Lab in Oklahoma State University advised by Christopher Crick. My research focuses on robot learning for manipulation, computer vision, Imitation learning, and reinforcement learning.

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chrisantus.eze at okstate dot edu

Some recent highlights from my PhD:

Sep 2024

One paper submitted at WACV 2025. Preprint coming soon.

Sep 2024

A3 accepted at ICMLA 2024. Preprint coming soon.

June 2024

Teaching Computer Science to high schoolers during the 2024 Upward Program.

Feb 2024

Won the election to become the secretary of the CS Graduate Student Association.

Oct 2023

PhD Milestone - Passed my PhD Comprehensive Exam.

Sep 2023

Became a Hargis Leadership Insitute Fellow.

Aug 2023

Representing CS at the Graduate and Professional Student Government Association (GPGSA).

Aug 2023

Won the 2023 Computer Science Graduate Research and Leadership Awards.

Mar 2023

Paper presentation at the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction in Stockholm.

Feb 2023

Featured in OSU News for building app for local lake.

Mar 2022

Won the 2022 ACM/OSU App Center Hackathon.

A3: Active Adversarial Alignment for Source-Free Domain Adaptation

Chrisantus Eze; Christopher Crick
2024 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) (Preprint coming soon.)

Learning by Watching: A Review of Video-based Learning Approaches for Robot Manipulation

Chrisantus Eze; Christopher Crick
Journal Proceeding (Under review)

Enhancing human-robot collaboration by exploring intuitive augmented reality design representations

Chrisantus Eze; Christopher Crick
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI) 2023
Website  •   PDF

Feb 2024

I will be a feedback provider for the 2024 undergraduate research symposium at Oklahoma State University.

Jan 2024

Reviewer, Journal on Cognitive Robotics

Nov 2023

Reviewer, 19th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction HRI'24

Apr 2023

Feedback provider, 2023 undergraduate research symposium at Oklahoma State University.

Dec 2022

Reviewer, 18th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction HRI'23

Jul 2022

Feedback provider, 2022 NSF REU summer program at Oklahoma State University